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Headmistress' Favorite Sport

Not that she needed any. After the twins had closed the door behind them and set down their bag, they embraced Miss Robinson in a three-way embrace. After kissing her gently Joanna spoke: "Helen" she said, speaking Miss Robinson's first name, "We think you are about ready to start a new life." Jocelyn took over: "We think that the whole repressed lesbian bit is getting tired. It never suited you so we are going to throw it aside." Helen was getting so excited that she could hardly think as Joanna continued: "We think that the part you are really cut out for is that of a sex object. A sex slave, if you will. Jocelyn, shall we start?" Helen's heart almost stopped. Surely she couldn't have heard her right? She hadn't really said "slave", had she? Only in her deepest, darkest fantasies would Helen Robinson admit to having a submissive side, but the twins had apparently spotted it right away.

There was no more time to think. The twins once again began seducing her and within a couple of minutes Helen was on her bed screaming with ecstasy. When she had come down from her orgasms, the twins were standing at the bedside. They were holding some strange items. Jocelyn held what looked like a big, red leather pouch and Joanna held a collection of straps and what looked like a big, red rubber ball on a strap. "Time to go the whole nine yards, you useless cunt." Jocelyn said as they pounced. Not only were they quick, they were strong and soon Helen was tied up. The pouch proved to be an armbinder holding Helen's arms behind her, its straps criss-crossing her chest. The ball was a ball-gag filling her mouth completely, wrenching her jaws apart and the straps had been used to hold her legs tied, calf to thigh. As a finishing touch the twins put a new pair of shoes on Helen, a pair of white stilettos with five-inch heels, equipped with locking ankle straps. As Helen sat helplessly whining on the bed Joanna grabbed her hair and spat into her face: "You are a useless little whore, a slut who needs to learn her place. Fucking cunt! But not to worry, slave. You'll learn." With that the twins picked up riding crops and started Helen Robinson's education.

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