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Headmistress' Favorite Sport

All her food, always the same vegetable stew, was consumed from a doggy bowl on the floor. Over a long period of time the twin had changed her outward appearance. She now wore much more revealing clothes, but the most significant difference was her shoes. Helen now never wore anything with less than five inches of stiletto heel. Even at home she was never bare-footed. When she came home she immediately changed into seven-inch stilettos and her dog collar. She wore nothing else unless commanded to.

All though she had cut off what little social life she had had and now lived like a slave in her own home, Helen Robinson was happy. Every night lying plugged and gagged and so horny that she thought she might burst, Helen Robinson thanked the twins before falling into steamy dreams. She loved the twins absolutely and she loved what they had done to her.

And so it was that the twins knew everything that went on at the school, including that Dennis would be expelled for his dismal academic record. They knew that their aunt would pounce on their mother that day and they planned to do the same thing to their brother. Everything was in place. When Dennis came home from school that afternoon he would cease to exist. Instead a new person would occupy his old room. The new person's name was of course Denise. The twins readily admitted that the name was dreadfully unoriginal, but they insisted on it because it fit the little wimp so perfectly. As far as the twins were concerned their brother Dennis had been born to be turned into Denise.

Dennis was terribly depressed as he walked home. What would he do now? He really had no idea what would happen, except that his sisters would probably ridicule him forever over this. Aunt Rachel would probably be polite about it, thereby making it even worse. The only one he could count on for comfort and support would be his mother. Mom would make it all right.

But as he walked into the living room he found neither his mom nor Aunt Rachel.

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