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Dear Diary

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up something felt wonderful on my skin. Everything felt soft, silky and warm then and I was sure I had died and that people like me did go to heaven after all. I knew I was still on earth when I moved a little and felt pain in the back of my hand.

I opened my eyes and saw Aunt Sandy sitting on the edge of the bed I was in. She had on a beautiful pink satin nightgown and a pink ribbon in her long blonde hair and looked like an angel. The sensation on my skin was from the sheets and comforter on the bed. They were made of satin and felt like heaven to me. I had an IV in my hand and she told me to relax. Her doctor had been there and the IV was just to hydrate me and give me antibiotics. I had pneumonia and was very ill. She gave me a kiss and told me to just sleep and recover and that we could talk the next day.

The next morning a female doctor was the first person to see me. She took out the IV and gave me a bottle of pills to take and ordered at least four more days of bed rest. The pills were in a sealed bottle and samples from a drug company and were called Keflex. She gave me another bottle of pills and told me not to start them until I had finished all the antibiotics and felt healthy. The other pills were called Premarin Conjugated Estrogens 5.0 MG and I was to take two a day for six months. I was embarrassed when the doctor told me to cut back to one if I began to have problems getting erections.

The doctor asked me if I felt like a girl trapped in a boy's body or if I just liked to feel the fabric's women wore and felt aroused in them. I told her the truth and that it was just a huge turn on for me. She gave my head a pat and said, hmm another little shemale to be. "Take just one a day then honey and stop at the first sign of less frequent erections".

Aunt Sandy came to see me after the doctor left. She looked like she was coming to skin me alive in the outfit she was wearing. It was a leather cat suit with thigh high boots and leather gloves. I felt a little afraid of her but she told me to relax and said she was sorry she kept me waiting. "I had to work this morning honey". She told me she had three "sessions" that morning and asked me if I had heard them screaming?

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