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Why, She's A "He"!

Tina was amused watching Dave gaze at her, his eyes riveted like a set of lasers. But she did have to admit that this ‘schoolgirl’ was a pretty foxy package. And Dave wasn’t the only man in the bar ogling her.

She sat alone at the bar, nursing a drink, eyeing the scene, but looking rather standoffish. Her eyes did glance once in the direction of Dave and Tina’s table, and Tina gave her a little wave. She waved back with a cute, sexy little smile.

Later, after a few drinks, Tina needed to pee and headed to the ladies’ room, finding an empty stall. A moment later someone entered the adjacent stall. Tina could immediately see from the loafers that it was little miss sexy Catholic schoolgirl. But what happened next amazed her. For she didn’t sit down on the toilet, but instead lifted the toilet seat and pissed standing up, pissed like a man. Immediately it all made sense. Tina had thought that she was just a bit too sexy out in the bar, a bit overly provocative with her aloof ‘I’m such a hot piece of ass’ guise. So this was not a girl, it was a boy! Tina was delighted. She had a penchant for TVs, for trannies who paraded around done up as women. Most were painfully obvious. But this was one fooled even Tina, and certainly fooled Dave. She had noticed that slight protrusion in her neck, that Adam’s apple, but thought nothing of it at the time. Now she understood exactly what it signaled.

Tina left the stall and washed her hands, waiting for the ‘girl’ to finish up. A minute later she came out of her stall and joined Tina at the wash basins.

“Hi,” she said, brightly, remembering the wave back in the bar.

“Hello there,” Tina said, giving her a long look. “Can I tell you something? My friend back in the bar with me thinks you’re the sexiest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on. You should’ve heard the things he said he’d love to do to you.”

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