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the start of what to cum

If you do what I say, then this will just become another part of you. If you don't do what I say, then I'll sell you off into slavery where you'll be drugged up and tied to a bed, where people will pay to come in and do whatever they want to you. Nod if you understand and are ready to do what I tell you to do."

I was trying to let the reality of everything that he had just said sink in. Millions of questions were running through my mind but I had no answers. All I could do was look in the mirror at this sexy and slutty girl that was staring back at me, from her long blonde hair down to her sexy pink stillettos. If I would have passed her in the club, I would have turned and watched her ass sway back and forth while she walked, looked at those garters hooked into the stockings and just imagining everything I could do to her if I had her in the sack for a night. Snapping back into reality I realized that it was me underneath those clothes and that makeup. It was me that guys would be dreaming about slamming their cock into. In a matter of hours, this guy took my world and flipped it on its head. From a guy living a great life to this, this... sex doll.

I apparently looked in the mirror past the time the man was willing to wait and suddenly felt a shock vibrating through my entire body, originating from my neck and going down to my toes. I whirled around and saw a remote in the stranger's hands, then pieced together that this collar was no ordinary choker, it was actually an upgraded dog collar of sorts, where I would be shocked by his discretion. It hurt like hell and I pleaded with him to stop with my eyes, tears forming in the corners. I reached with my hands behind my neck to try and remove it, but again I felt one of those small padlocks holding the device in place. Again, he asked me to nod to show my submission to him. Admitting my defeat, I slowly nodded my head up and down. The shocking stopped and he smiled a devilish grin.

"Good, then let's start your training.

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