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The Making of A Sissy Part 5

“You’ll need a nice high frilly pink dress and pure white panties this morning; we want your sissy bottom to look the part for our guest, when you bend over to accept his caning. If you take it well and please Mr Roberts, I may let you go to the beach with the girls later.” Bella did not protest as the giggling girls helped her into a fluffy pink satin dress, ideal for sissies. The white silk panties were pulled up and over Bella’s little cock and balls, and then white cotton ankle socks were added; pink sandals completing the picture of a pretty girl who was to be punished. Bella’s cock stiffened as she was made to look in the mirror as usual; she was a slave to her submissiveness, and though she did not relish being caned, this would be by a man, and in front of her smiling step-sisters too. She thought of the promise of going to the beach and hoped the man would not leave any stripes on her legs; these would show beneath her bikini.

Dressed for punishment, Bella was led downstairs to the lounge, where she was made to sit on a hard chair in the corner; a vicious looking rattan cane lay on the table, for all to view. Bella’s anus tingled and her stomach filled with butterflies as she thought of the pain which would be delivered by the man. The other girls sat comfortably in softer chairs, leering at Bella with satisfaction as the sissy sat squirming; the cane before her. They looked at their watches impatiently. The doorbell rang and Bella gave a little involuntary gasp, much to the delight of Jane and the girls. Bella’s little cock stiffened at the sound too; she was curiously excited about being punished. Mr Roberts entered the room and Bella shivered all over; he was not wearing a suit as last night, but wore a black shirt with black lose fitting slacks and black leather knee length boots. He looked like an executioner.

The girls smirked as they studied the bulge in his slacks which increased visibly as he spied the pink sissy who was to be caned. Jane was also dressed in black satin; she smiled contentedly as she gave her command to the soft submissive little sissy who awaited her punishment, Bella’s panties now sticky at the front, as her sissy cock dribbled in fear and anticipation.

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