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The Greatest Lie Part 1

"I don't have any condoms, baby, do you?" she said.

Of course I didn't, as I had never dreamed that fate would place me in the arms of this exquisite creature.

Marta seemed uninterested in fucking, and that was fine with me, and I climaxed by rubbing my cockette against her swollen mons. Then I went down on her, first licking my own semen from her labia, and then feasting on her tangy vaginal juices. She moaned with pleasure, and soon her moans turned to cries of ecstasy: "Mas, por favor, mas, mas!" As her hips undulated with pleasure, her thick pubic hair rasped my tired, tender lips and cheeks, and I fantasized that I was in her body, being fucked hard by a faceless motorhead in the boys' locker room at Uni. Her cries, and the frantic motions of her body, rose to a frenzy and her juices grew hotter and more plentiful until she climaxed over my face. Then her cries receded to moans, sighs, and breaths, and her hips grew still in post-orgasmic exhaustion.

God, I thought, how much deeper and more fulfilling must her orgasm have been than the momentary spasm I had experienced.

"Was that good for you, baby?" she asked.

"It was great. Did you, you know, have an orgasm?"

"Oh my God, yes," she replied. "You're a fantastic lover. Much better than . . ." She stopped, and I wondered who she meant.

We lay in bed for a few minutes, and then heard the grandfather clock toll midnight. I changed back into my guy clothes, took her home, and spirited my girly things into the back of my closet.

My parents were really pissed off the next morning. My dad finally relented from his rage and tried to tell me about sex. I laughed and told him he was a little late for that. With that, they grounded me for a month.

Marta and I exchanged glances and passed notes to one another at school, but we had no time for play. I continued my improvised hormone regimen, and noticed that by scrotum was becoming more compact.

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