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Prom Night

Drake's cock began to stiffen. He frowned. An erection wouldn't be welcome at his high school prom, he thought, imagining the shocked expressions of the girls and the angry glares of their dates, should he exhibit a hard-on at their graduation dance. He couldn't picture anything more mortifying. Fortunately, his anxiety caused his stiffening prick to soften. It went limp again, wilting inside his pants. He breathed a sigh of relief. If girls only knew what guys went through, he thought. A prick had a mind of its own. More than a few times, his own recalcitrant penis had decided to engorge itself with blood at the most inopportune time, causing Drake to hold a notebook over his groin or place a book on his lap to hide the offending erection. At least, this time, his penis had decided not to embarrass him.

The song ended, and Drake escorted Sharon to one of the surfboard tables for punch and hors d'oeuvres. On the way, girls stared at them, horror-stricken looks on their lovely faces. They pointed, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, murmuring to their dates. The boys turned hard looks on Drake and Sharon.

What the hell were they so aghast about? Drake wondered. He knew his erection had subsided. Was he unzipped? No, he remembered distinctly having closed his zipper when he'd dressed this evening. He'd made a point to check. He shrugged, pouring a dipperful of punch into a cup for Sharon. As he turned from the punchbowl to offer her the beverage, his own eyes snapped wide and his mouth gaped. It was true, he didn't have an erection - but his date certainly did!

The prom dress was tight, fore and aft, as it was across the bosom. It emphasized her high, full breasts, her shapely round derriere - and the thick, long, hard erection bulging beneath the taut satin that covered her groin! As a shemale, she never should have worn such a tight-fitting dress, he thought. She looked lovelier than any of the other girls at the prom, even with the prominent bulge in her gown, but the swollen penis proved, beyond a doubt, that she was a shemale.

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