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Pretty Like My Sisters

"What the hell," I thought, and I pulled off the panties and bra. While I had previously felt embarrassed, after the conversation with Sarah, I felt that nothing could make me feel ashamed around her, so I walked into the bathroom, completely nude. As I stepped into the tub, I let out a sigh of relief. The warm water was mixed with scented oils and bubbles. The warm water on my skin and the fragrances in my nose served to calm me considerably. As I washed myself, Sarah came in holding her pink razor and a bottle of raspberry scented shaving cream. I raised an eyebrow, and Sarah, seeing my expression said,

"If you don't want to that's ok. It's just that it does feel so good with stockings." I almost gasped. I had always wanted to try stockings, but had heard how easily they could run. I hadn't risked it.

"No, it's ok. Let's shave." Sarah had me lift my left leg, and after that one was shaved, she began to work on my right leg. She shaved my back, my arms, my chest, and, finally, my pubes. She even shaved around my asshole. I had never had much body hair. I had never been very manly, standing at 5' 2", and only 105 pounds, I was very slender, and was often teased about my appearance by the boys at school. Now, with my hair gone, I felt so smooth and feminine. Sarah washed my hair, and she chatted on about this and that, the way that she and Emily or Andrea would. She interrupted my thoughts of sisterhood with a question that I knew had to come, but was dreading. "Everett," Sarah asked cautiously, "Are you gay?"

"No," I said quickly. Too quickly. "But," I said, after a moment of silence, "I think I'm bisexual." I giggled, and so did Sarah. I had just come out.

Sarah continued to wash my hair. "Are you going to tell Andrea and Emily? Or Mom? Or Katey?" Katey was the girl I had started dating a few weeks ago. I had had a crush on her for ages, and had finally told her, she had said that she thought I was cute too. I knew that something like this might mean doom for our relationship, or, if she was into it, might make it.

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