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My First Time Out Part 1

Shayna knew she wanted to go out on the town, but decided she could not be seen with this twit. She could only imagine getting glares from everyone as if SHE was the hooker, and HE was the customer. After that quick illusion, Shayna adamantly decided NOT to answer the door.

Shayna stood quietly trying to take slow deep breaths without making a sound. It seemed like hours had passed in complete silence. She did not want to go face to face with him. She only had to withstand one more set of KNOCKS before the nerd finally gave up and left.

After a few minutes, Shayna’s feelings changed from scared and nervous to discouraged, then mad. She wanted to call the escort service and give them a piece of her mind. She walked over to the phonebook to re-look up the number. While scrambling through the E’s for Escort, her eye caught the attention of something peculiar that happened to be listed under the Entertainment section.

Adult Bookstore, Clothing & Tattoo Parlor-----State Street---Salt Lake City----and the phone number. Shayna knew this was her night out, and nothing would stand in her way! It was within walking distance, but she decided to take a taxi instead.

Before calling a taxi, Shayna needed to build up a little more courage, so she poured herself a glass of wine and had a cigarette. She was consumed by thoughts of getting “noticed” as a man. Even worse, getting picked up by the police (for some unknown or far-fetched reason) and being hauled off to jail! She knew these thoughts were unrealistic when she looked into the mirror.

There stood a skinny, ravishing, sluttily dressed, blonde staring back at her. Her long leather jacket would cover up everything except for the “come-fuck-me” platforms, the whore-like painted face, and the seductive blonde hair pinned up in the back. She then primped her hair making sure it was still in place and smiled at herself in the full-length mirror.

When Shayna ordered the taxi, she instructed it to pick her up at the side entrance of the hotel because of discreet reasons. One more spray of perfume and a touching up of the lips. She picked up her red leather purse and literally threw a small makeup bag, perfume, lipstick, loose cash, room key, cigarettes and a lighter into it. The taxi arrived as she walked out the side exit door of the hotel.

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