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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 7

"That's correct. I have no qualms, or reservations, or for that matter, anything that would, shall we say, preclude me from doing that for you."

"Okay! So, what's the catch? I mean, there's always a catch!"

Just then, just as Mike was making the assertion about how there was always a catch, a busboy, brandishing a tray piled to the gills with dirty dishes, like the oafish and awkward buffoon that he tended to be, turned, and without looking, stepped directly into the path of an oncoming waitress. As one might expect, given the way that persnickety law of Mr. Murphy's works, the waitress was carrying a fully laden tray of food. Plates, trays, a varied assortment of silverware, plus the buffoon and the poor unfortunate waitress went crashing to the floor. Needless to say, the ensuing clamor drew everyone's attention.

Upon hearing the commotion, John and Mike felt compelled to look as well.

"Holy, shit!" John gasped, as his eyes gazed across the table. "I don't know how something like this is possible, but I've got to tell you! You're even lovelier today than you were last night, kiddo!"

With that ever so sexy and sultry voice of hers, Mike, who was still unaware of the all encompassing change she had just then and there undergone, quizzically snapped, "John! Just what in the hell are you talking about?"

Then, upon hearing herself, the impact of what had just occurred began to register. Mike came to the euphoric realization that she was no longer the he that she had been but a moment before.

"Oh, my God!" She was giddy with the thrill of it all. "I'm a girl again! This is wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" Mike exclaimed as one of her hands reflexively reached up and jostled one of those magnificent, man-troubling mammary protrusions of hers, while the other dove under the table to grope that newly revamped crotch of hers.

"Thank you, Magatrix! Thank you! This is fantastic!"

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