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Lorijo on Becoming a Girl

The chair came up and Jenny combed out the newly colored hair. She carefully combed and stroked the freshly colored and washed hair until the ends where flat on my back. I felt the scissors cutting and noticed about an inch or more of wet hair falling to the floor. Soon she pulled a crop of hair forward and let it hang over my face. Then her hand came up and snipped vees in the hair until jagged bangs hung over my forehead.

"I think we can dry you and comb out your new look. It is a classic blunt with bangs so it should look very cute on you."
She turned me toward the mirror and began using the blow dryer and brush. I watched as the darker wet hair soon began turning to golden blondes and cinnamon browns. The colors were wonderfully feminine and the drying hair smelled of sweet flowers from the conditioner.

Jenny used the brush to backcomb the bangs. They poofed out and hung down on my face in shaggy wisps. She pulled the back of my hair up and let it slowly cascade in waves of silky blonde. The hair glistened and looked so very feminine. As she prepared the hair for final presentation I felt myself becoming aroused. Seeing myself with such a girly head of hair excited all that was feminine inside inspiring my deepest desires.

"All done, Hon! How do you like it?"
Jenny’s words startled me. I was finished and now it was time to leave the salon as a new blonde in mens clothes. I would have to walk through the mall with my new girl hair for all to see, and there was no mistaking that my hair looked feminine.
I stuttered saying I liked it and rose from the chair to pay. Jenny smiled and told me I looked cute. The tone of her voice told me she meant it, and for a moment I accepted the compliment as one girl would from another. It was a good feeling; a feminine feeling that came from more than just dressing the part.
I paid Jenny and thanked her. She told me to come back and see her if I wanted, and that she could help me with eyes and makeup if I wanted.

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