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Ken and Ayala Part 2 Exploration

Last night's instance of prejudice by her ex had sparked a protective spirit in me that wasn't about to fade away . . . I had been hurt, too, and although I couldn't know how bad it felt for her, I had an idea. And I wanted to know all about Ayala's life and be there for her. I imagined her life hadn't been easy, and I just wanted to reassure her that I was there for her from here on out. We both had the feeling that we had finally found someone accepting, caring, and real . . . I didn't want to give that up for anything. I only hoped she felt the same way about me.

Ayala also had some kids books laying around in the living room, probably stuff that she was using for her classes and training to become a teacher. It made me smile. The woman in the next room was simultaneously strong and fearless while being soft, girly, and sensitive and so caring for others that she wanted to make a career out of working with kids. She combined strength and resolve with a perfect feminine nature, in her work, in her recreation, and in her sexuality. And it knocked my socks off. Literally.

I heard the shower being turned on. I walked back over to the kitchen, about to start heating up the waffle maker, when I realized that I was still completely naked. Probably a good idea to put something on before I started heating stuff up in the kitchen.

I was about to turn around to look for my clothes, but just then Ayala came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I turned my head and we rubbed noses. "You like sneaking up on me, don't you?"

"Mmmm-hmmm. Makes me feel like I got you, got you under my thumb, wrapped around my fingers," Ayala told me.

With an incredulous look on my face, I replied, "Babe, you had me wrapped around your fingers from the moment you gave me my keys back at the gym." I turned around and hugged her, then held her close. Her breasts lay against my chest, and her head rested against me.

"I believe that," she whispered. "For the first time ever, I believe in what a man's telling me. It's so . . . refreshing . . . and comforting. To know you really mean it."

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