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Her blonde hair was hanging loose, disheveled and messy. Her eyes were red, clearly showing that she had been crying. She looked up at me and smiled weakly, as I stepped closer and sat down on the couch. We were both quiet; I felt the need to say something, anything. I didn't really know what though.
"I'm sorry..."
Jennifer looked up at me, with confusion in her eyes. "For what?"
"Him," I replied, motioning towards the front door. "He's an asshole. You've always been there for the both of us and he's never done anything, except fuck around."
"That's because, he only ever wanted me for my money."
Somehow, I didn't doubt her on that one. It was no secret, that Jennifer was very wealthy; she always had been. A lot of people had speculated early on, that my father was only interested in her for the money. Jennifer's parents were rich; literally, rich. When they died in a car accident on Jennifer's 22nd birthday, she inherited every dime they had in their bank account. That was exactly one year, before she met my father and hooked up with him.
Jennifer looked back at me and sighed, shaking her head and brushing her blonde hair out of her face. "It's not your fault," she said finally. "You don't need to apologize for your fathers actions, Michael. You can't control what he does."
"It's still fucked up," I said, anger rising up in my voice.
"I knew it was coming," Jennifer continued.
I stared at her, watching her eyes well up with tears; making me feel even worse. She was beautiful and I had always felt that way, though I never mentioned to anyone, that I had a crush on my step-mother. Jennifer was about 6'3" with blonde hair, that came down just over her shoulders. Those beautiful blue eyes were the eyes of an angel, and her lucious double D breasts were perfect. Everything about her was so sexy, right down to that gorgeous ass of hers, too.
You might be asking, why would anyone want to cheat on someone as attractive as Jennifer? Why would they only be interested in her, for her money? Well, a lot of people suspected it was because Jennifer was actually a transsexual woman; she was born a man.

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