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J is for Josie

So I did it properly. When Dad had left on that Friday morning he'd reminded me.

"And don't forget, Joseph, we're doing Italian tonight."

I hadn't really needed reminding. I really had been planning it for nearly two weeks even to the extent of warning Duncan I was cutting college that day because Dad and I were doing something special. I didn't say what, I really couldn't tell my best mate I was going to dress up in my mother's clothes.

And really Dad hadn't said exactly what either. It has occurred to me several times since that things would have turned out oh-so-differently if Dad and I hadn't each jumped to conclusions. Both of us really, me in not properly understanding exactly what he meant, and him in not asking me to explain things. So I was pretty sure what his 'doing Italian' meant. And after his comments when I'd worn Mum's jeans and bra, and shown him what I'd done in terms of make-up and so on, I thought I knew what he wanted me to do. And I was more than willing to do it.

The breast prostheses I'd bought off the Internet were, of course, not necessary. But I wanted to do a good job. So when I'd found the company dealing in items for dressing up as a woman, I'd bought a few items to help me in my task. And as I finished my day-long session that afternoon, this time an hour or so before Dad was due home with the Italian, I took some time to inspect myself in the long mirror in his bedroom. I really did look like my mother! The falsies-and-basque combination really did give me a good-looking feminine figure, the black tights and high-heeled shoes I'd bought added to the effect.

I was very pleased with my own purchases. And the false fingernails too, I'd stuck them on with the glue provided, longish scarlet nails, the sort of thing Mum did on special occasions. The wig, or course, was the one I'd had before as was the jewellery. Since Mum hadn't taken those items I assumed they were not real, just gold-effect, but the clip-on earrings I'd bought and the chain round my bare neck did also add to the effect. And the skirt and the blouse too were both Mum's. The skirt was a slightly darker blue denim effect and the blouse was white and rather frilly.

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