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In only a fur and very little else…

So, what with the anticipation of the forthcoming meeting and dressed in my present apparel, it all added up to a feeling inside bordering on near panic and a true sense that I just might be moving into personal and real danger...

“Hello you must be Carol” he said through the window of a ten year old Volvo saloon. Well, I said nothing that I can recall; I just simply opened the passenger door to the car and quickly got in.

He was a large man, 55 plus I would say... rather heavy set, clean shaven and not unattractive in that masculine sort of way. The man was wearing dark, musty, warm and heavy workmanlike clothes. I said very little... He mumbled something like… “You look nice.” I had earlier decided to play timid... It was not a too difficult a roll to play, for I was feeling genuinely apprehensive and like I earlier inferred, more than a little scared.

Very slowly we drove off into the night. Almost immediately, whilst still driving and holding an eye on the road, he put his hand on my stocking covered leg closest to him. He started to slowly run his hand up and down my inner thigh, stroking backwards and forwards, softly and gently, but stopping at the top of my newly purchased sheer light tan stay-ups. Stopping I felt, just short, of going too far, too soon. I said nothing. I did nothing. I just sat there looking directly ahead, with my two small bags on my lap. He just muttered, oh yes, very nice, oh yes… very, very nice. He drove, almost directly, without saying much more, that I can remember that is, to a nearby church just outside the center of the town... He stopped in the empty car parking area next to a stone wall bordering the church cemetery.

In our prior mail correspondence and various internet chats it became quickly quite apparent that my new found friend wanted to dictate the pace and have the upper hand. I was to be, by mutual consent, his transsexual woman and he was to be the manly master… It had suited me just fine. I had wanted to be told what to do. I had wanted to be used. In my fantasy I wanted to be sexually used and abused. I wanted to be manipulated, even humiliated. I was at that moment in time open to all and everything. For me there would be no questions asked, and just then and there sitting in this unknown strangers car, I was there for the taking.

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