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I am Baaack! Part 7

"Someone oughta slug you! (push) Yeah, someone oughta slug you! (push - 'McClintock' was one of Robert's favorite movies.) But I'm not gonna do it! (push) No, I'm not gonna do it!" He - she was definitely Robert now - cocked his arm, but found it held. He was moved aside as if he were a feather.

"No. You're not going to do it." The black leather clad figure looked Ed right in the eye. "I am!" With every ounce of strength she possessed, backed by almost four years of anticipating this moment, Rose threw her punch. Ed's jaw snapped up and her neck snapped back. She was literally lifted off the floor, and she crashed back onto the couch into almost the exact same position she had been in when Robbie had yanked her up.

"Christ, Rose, you could have killed her!" said Joyce, as she knelt to examine Ed. Remarkably, Ed was both conscious and apparently not seriously hurt.

"Nah," said Rose, dusting her hands as she came up before the two women. They looked at her wide eyed, recognition dawning. "I know how to pull my punches. Hello, Louise." She stood before them, straight and tall, a vision in black leather from their worst nightmares. "Hello, Edwina." And then Rose smiled a smile to strike terror into their hearts. In her best Arnold Schwarzenegger imitation, she said, "I'm Baaack!"

G.A., who hadn't broken a sweat, stepped smoothly to Rose's side. He looked at her; "may I?" She nodded. "Ladies," he nodded to Ed and Louise, "here's the deal. I have here a search warrant and an arrest warrant." He set his briefcase on the coffee table, snapped it open, and extracted the two documents. He showed them to Ed - Lou was still pretty much out of things - but she made no move to take them. He replaced them in the briefcase. "We have a recording of everything you've said here for the past half hour, plus Robbie broke your computer security codes, so Transformation Systems has no secrets from us. You are looking at a long, long, vacation in scenic Joliet, Illinois, my dears."

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