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I am Baaack! Part 4


"You are not a longshoreman! You are not even a wealthy businessman; you are a LADY! Now, put that book back on your head and walk like one!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"No, no, no! We do not apply our makeup by the gallon, and you are not an oversexed streetwalker. You are a LADY! Now, wipe that off and try again, a little gentler with the blush brush this time!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You are NOT the town slut! You are a ladies' maid. You do not want to advertise your buxom and well-rounded wares to any and all. Let's try that curtsy again.again.again."

"Yes, ma'am."

"That fork goes on your left! .Not that left, your other left! Concentrate, girl!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

And then the darker, but necessary side.

"I believe a spanking is in order! Across my knees NOW, girl. Kick and squeal nicely, and it may be only ten strokes. You will count them out."

"Y-y-y-es, ma', ma'am.Oooohowchieeeeeeee! .Two, ma'am."

At the end of the month, dropping her at the train station, Jane said, "You have done well, Dainie, I have no hesitation whatsoever about recommending you to anyone as a model sissy ladies' maid and companion. And, Dainie.Adain?"

"Thank you, ma'am." Surprise at the use of "his" name. "Yes, ma'am?"

Out of character, Jane replied, "Get The Bitches!"

Out of character, Dainie said, "Most definitely YES, Aunt Jane!"


Adain Ben Hariesh, dashing, handsome, billionaire businessman, did not make the train trip back to Chicago. Sometime during the last two weeks, he had disappeared. Oh, Dainie knew she was also Adain, but she realized she had a job to do, and that Adain would only get in the way. Adain agreed, so, with his permission, she had buried him in the basement rec room of her mind. There was a virtual recliner in there, and a virtual big screen TV with virtual tapes of every Superbowl and World Series game ever played. There was a complete virtual library, plus plenty of virtual beer and frozen pizza in the virtual fridge; he would be quite comfortable. As he was shutting the virtual door behind him, he had given her a virtual thumbs up: 'You go, GIRL!'

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