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Highway in Heels

He had a slight southern accent and he was tall. He then grabbed my hand and helped me out of the van. He watched my legs and heels as I made it out. He then made me stand on the side of the road, in view of all the truckers at the weigh station, while he fixed the van. The slight wind of the trucks passing by would make my skirt fly around my legs, and I was getting embarrassed whenever any of the truckers would beep or say hello to me while I waited. He was almost done and two other men came over to offer some more help. I was so out of my league, but I was strangely excited. Another five minutes and the three of them were done.

"There ya go Miss." He said while he wiped his hands on a rag. I thanked the other two men and they left leaving me with my initial trucker. "Hi, I'm Branson." and he reached out for my hand with his, and then held it up when he noticed it still had some grease on it. I noticed he had a wedding ring.

"Hi," I said for the first time ever as a girl. "I'm Donna." He smiled.

"Hi, Donna glad I was right behind you when you pulled over. I'm so happy to see a pretty girl up close. Are you okay, can I do anything else for you?" He smiled again and I felt very content, he was thinking I was a real woman and I was liking it very much. I went to the van to get my wallet. I was wishing that I had a pocketbook, to find some money to give him. "Don't be silly. Hey, why don’t you buy me a cup of coffee at the next rest area? That will be sufficient enough." He smiled again and I said yes. "Follow me." He then jumped in his truck, pulled around me and I followed.

I was thinking that once he pulls into the rest area I will just keep going, but the closer I got, the braver I became, and all of a sudden I was following him into the parking lot. I fixed my hair and put on a little more lipstick. He watched me as I fixed my lips. I even sprayed a little bit of perfume on my wrists that I had hidden in the glove compartment. I smiled at him and he helped me out of the van. "What's a pretty young thing like you driving this big van." I swallowed and told him it was my parents and I was driving it to Brooklyn for them.

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