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From Andy to Amy

"OK, two and a half, but you can't ever tell anyone about this, OK?"

"Deal. Now drop your shorts."

Grimly I stood up and prepared to take my punishment like the man I thought I was. My hands went to the button on the front of my shorts and I unsnapped it. Then I grasped the zip with my hand and pulled it down. I took a deep breath and then with a sudden motion I pushed my shorts down my thighs and let go. They fell to the ground. Instinctively my hands went to cover the jewels.

"Take your hands away. The time doesn't start until you take your hands away." OK, now she was becoming unreasonable. Not only that, she was behaving weirdly in playing this double dare game that oly k**s usually played. But it was the only way to get the clock to start running, so I did as she asked, dropping my hands to my sides.

A pretty silly figure I must have looked. A skinny 18 year old standing in this girl's room in a t-shirt that was too short to cover anything, a pair of blue briefs which were about as sexy as a stick, and a pair of denim shorts sitting atop his otherwise bare feet.

"OK, now turn around," she ordered.

I turned about, having to kick the shorts loose as they threatened to tangle my feet, and faced the wall, allowing her a view of my cotton clad bum. To be honest I remember being relieved at this change of aspect; at least my bits were now facing the other way!

"All the way, silly," she ordered, and so I completed the turn, once again facing Nikki.

"Nice," she said, her eyes glued to my crotch as mine had been to her discarded knickers only a few minutes before.

"Huh," I snorted. "Hardly. Boy's clothes are never nice, and boys' pants are just dull. Girls' knickers are nicer."

"What makes you say that?"

"You get nicer material that's soft and light and we get big thick heavy cotton like this." Her eyes shifted back to her knickers, sitting on the chair where she had thrown them.

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