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Duchess of Lamore

Late that afternoon another male servant entered the visitor room. He was carrying a tray with a cup of what Drake hoped was tea. This man too was wearing some jewelry on his penis. From a seated position, Drake had a much better glimpse. It looked rather ornate and seemed to fit his shaft.

The man served him tea and Drake thanked him although he was sure the man did not speak English. You didn't have to speak English to know when someone was thankful for what you had done.

He watched the man leave the room. Drake was fascinated by this jewelry around his genitals. He wondered if it was uncomfortable to wear. He couldn't imagine wearing something metal around his privates. How barbaric!

The Duchess looked through the peep hole once again late that afternoon. The man was still immaculately dressed with his tie pulled solidly around his neck. She would have thought he would have loosened by now. She signaled her servant to have the man dismissed.

The servant returned and pointed towards the door. Drake understood he was being asked to leave. Well it was not his place to question royalty. He walked outside and got in the car. He would return tomorrow. Maybe they would have had enough time to prepare for his visit by then.

He drove back to the village. The people in the village were all Asian, which is what he would have expected. He noted that Asians generally were of smaller frame and size than Anglos and certainly much smaller than the African men at the Palace.

He made his way into the shop and arranged for some food. It wasn't much, but certainly enough to get him by. He then retired to the rear cabin of the Phantom and quickly fell asleep.

The next day he drove back to the Palace. Once again he was shown to the visitor's room where he made himself comfortable. The Duchess was curious as to how he dressed for his second visit. He was wearing the same linen suit he wore the day before. She smiled to herself. She signaled to the servant to let him wait.

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