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Dressing for Pleasure

Elizabeth loves it when she can drive the Beemer. She likes cruising smoothly up the freeway, gliding through the hot busy traffic in her cool cocoon, especially, when she's dressed up, like she is now, on her way to a date. She feels good about this afternoon, and as she drives north she is enjoying fantasising about the hours ahead.

Now and then she checks her makeup in the mirror, smiling at herself, showing fine white teeth and - "Aah yes," thinking how feminine and sexy she looks.

She turns off the freeway and pulls into a lay-by, where she stops and takes out of her handbag the scrap of floral paper she's written the directions on. They seem a bit vague, and because she is too exited to think properly, she takes a couple of minutes to find the street she is looking for in her street directory.

Driving off again she sees the garden centre on her left as she's been told, with a big cut-out yellow flower sticking up childishly in front of it. Then she's past the petrol station and turning down the second on the left, going round the corner and looking about intently until she stops outside a small house, number 23.

She puts her handbag over her arm, gets her other bag off the back seat, and locks the car. She walks up to the front door of No. 23, her high heels clicking rapidly on the concrete path. She is aware of her hips slipping under her clothing as her legs swish past each other, full of excitement and anticipation.

Elizabeth knocks and the door opens wide. Tina is tall and slender, long blonde wavy hair, very feminine, and very attractive. She has a sexy way of turning her eyes and speaking low. Tina leads her inside and they chat for a minute. Tina notices of course, it is so exiting when she does.

"Elizabeth darling, you've got lipstick on your teeth!"

They get up and go to the big mirror, girls together, and Tina pulls out a tissue from the box beside the bed. Elizabeth smiles wide to show all her teeth and they both look at the line of lipstick that runs across the top row.

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