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It was quiet in our room. The silence filled the air and stabbed me like a
hundred needles while I waited for her reply. Had I said too much this
time? Was I too direct? What would you think if you were her?

She rolled over on her right side which left her facing me. Her eyes
transfixed on the sheets as she spoke. . . . . "Honey, you know I would do
anything for you but there was a way to give you what you wanted I would
find it for you. Believe me when I say that I Love You. Do what you need
to do and if that means leaving us then so be it."

"NO NO NO!", I shouted out. "That's not what I mean and you know that. I
can't and won't leave you for any reason, just please try to understand and
give me a little slack on this. I'll work it out."

Silence again. I could see her eyes close ever so slowly even though it
was almost pitch black in the room. I felt my heart sink as the reality of
what I said hit me like a lead pipe. "I sure blew it this time", I thought
to myself. Then the emotion of the moment seemed to drain the life right
out of me as things went black. Closing my eyes the conversation replayed
in my mind. . .moment by moment. . . word by word. It was almost like a
speeding train on a track that went in circles.

The silence broke. . . . .

"Honey?", a soft voice said in the dark.

Me: "Ya?"

"Open your eyes and look" . . . . . .

Open them I did and what I saw was not what I expected. It was not the
wife I knew but something more like a poster girl from a very hot and
wicked calendar. She was beautiful, much more beautiful than my wife had
ever been. Lying in bed next to someone it hard to tell their height but I
must guess that she was around 5'-8". Her hair was a dark blonde with gold
streaks running it's length all the way down to her knees. Such beautiful
hair full of waves and curls which left we transfixed on it's length as

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