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Danielle Works a Saturday

Frank settled himself in a chair; Danielle and Paul managed to stay in their interlocked position while they each caught their breath.

Twenty minutes later they were all dressed and sitting around the desk. Danielle managed to rid the slight cum spot on her skirt with a touch of cold water from the office water cooler. She was gathering up her things, as she had originally planned when Paul walked in on her earlier.

"Remember what I said, sweetheart," Paul began. "I have that tape." She briefly looked over to Frank who had a look of disgust on his face. It was clear he didn't agree on the blackmail angle.

"You can do whatever you want with that, darling. My suggestion is you use it to masturbate with. I have nothing to hide. This is the new me. Daniel's gone forever. I went along with having sex with you voluntarily. You guys brought to life one of my all-time fantasies." She put the last few things in a small box and looked at Paul once again. "If I seriously didn't want to have sex with you, there wouldn't have been a damn thing you could have done to me. But I knew that wasn't the case. You're not a rapist, Paul."

She got up and kissed each man sweetly on the lips. "Thank you both for giving me a chance to live out a fantasy."

She grabbed her belongings off the desk and walked to the door. Grabbing the doorknob, she turned and looked at them, "Who knows, maybe the three of us can do it again in a more comfortable place," she said smiling.

She winked at them and seconds later was gone.

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