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Danielle's First Time

The interview continued over the hour, at the conclusion Dr. Cochran tells Daniel, "I had to ask you why you came today after having already noted it in my notes from setting up the appointment because I was expecting a Male to Female Transgender person, but when I opened the door to let you in you were wearing man's clothes and looked female, so I thought that I may have made a mistake in my notes because I though from seeing you for the first time that you were a Female to Male Transgender person instead of Male to Female. Have you ever seen an Endocrinologist to test your chromosomes to see if you are in fact intersexed?"

"No ma'am. Yes I know I look like a woman, it's been a real curse trying my best to be a male as I can, desiring to be female, and passing for a female even with my best attempts to be a male as possible."

"Daniel, I do believe that you are Transgender, and due to your suspected intersexed status I'm going to approve you to see an Endocrinologist to begin hormone therapy immediately instead of having to wait through a full year of Psychological Therapy first because your being intersexed, if you are, make this a special case."

The Birth of Danielle

Daniel goes home, feeling a little more at peace knowing the cause of his problem is a birth defect that cause his brain and other parts of his body to remain female when the rest of his body became male. Daniel decides to "come out of the closet," and let all of his family and friends know that he's transsexual and intersexed, that he will stop being "he" and become from this point forward "she," "Danielle."

The first person Danielle calls is her mother, she explains the situation to her mother and her mother says, "Danielle, I've known for a long time that you were my little girl. My friend Cynthia told me back when you were about 12 years old that she knew that you had a little girl inside of you and that one day that little girl was going to demand to come out."

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