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Cincinnati Apocalypse Part 5

Rattled, Willow demanded, "What the hell is that?"

Michelle, leaving Kennedy's side, hurried forward. "It's Giles."

In unison, one sounding as surprised as the other, Willow and Riley exclaimed, "Rupert Giles?"

"The same," Michelle confirmed. "Well, not Giles himself-he left a message with Eagle Eye."

Willow cocked an eyebrow at Riley. "Eagle Eye?"

Riley looked embarrassed. "Our control's codename." He looked at Michelle. "What's the message?"

"He wants us to locate Willow and Kennedy, bring them to Cincinnati."

"Did he say why?"


"Again?" Willow cried.

"He sent a warning, too," Michelle added.

"Go ahead," Riley prompted.

"He says for Kennedy to look out for the husbandmen."

Kennedy had stepped up to join Willow. "I don't like the sound of that, for two reasons: 'husband' and 'men.' No offense, Riley."

"What are husbandmen?" Willow quipped. "Mutant Ninja Turtle wannabes?"

"I can answer this one," Riley volunteered. "I was raised on a farm, in Iowa, with corn and vegetables and livestock and stuff."

"Okay," Kennedy said. "What, exactly, am I supposed to be looking out for, then?"

"Someone who plows and cultivates a field."

"A farmer?" Willow asked.

"Could be, but a husbandman can also be somebody that breeds animals."

"You're a farmer!" Kennedy cried, adopting a karate stance.

"Down girl," Michelle said. "Riley has no intention of breeding with you." She gave her husband an arch look. "Do you?"

"Of course not!" Riley assured her.

Kennedy maintained her stance.

"Relax," Willow advised her.

"You sure?" Kennedy asked, eyeing Riley closely.

"I'm sure," Willow reassured her.

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