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Caitlin and Mistress Vicky

Hearing the sound of a key in the lock pulled me back to the present. I clasped my hands behind my back and smiled. The door opened and my beautiful wife entered as if it she was walking into her castle. Just like the first time I saw her, my heart beat faster as I looked at her long, straight black hair, smooth pale skin and green eyes. Those eyes that used to look at me so sharply were now kindly taking in my feminized and subservient form.

"Did you finish your chores Caitlin?" she said with a smile.

Inwardly wincing at the teasing nickname I was saddled with all through school, I nodded.

"Yes Mistress Vicky." I said in my lisp.

She gave a satisfied nod and took off her heels, then walked into the living room. I paused to put her shoes in the closet next to the door and I followed her. She didn't bother to check whether I had actually finished my chores; I had been well trained out of lying to her by now. Reaching her favorite chair, I saw her notice the Red Velvet Martini on the table.

"Good girl!" she said approvingly.

Behind her and hidden from view, I couldn't help but give a slight bounce. She was pleased!

Taking a sip from the drink, she sank into the chair and put her stockinged feet up on the ottoman. I quickly dropped to my knees and rubbed her feet. She picked up the remote and turned on CNN. Not being allowed to watch TV or go on her computer myself, I haven't had any idea what was going on in the world for the last few years. I couldn't even get word of mouth usually, since whenever I left the house it was in my maid's outfit. Not so shockingly, people aren't in any rush to talk about current events with a sissy maid.

While she was watching TV and sipping her drink, I got the chance to take in her full appearance. She was dressed smartly in an expensive women's suit. Her breasts were nicely shaped and pushed up by a lacy bra underneath her silk blouse. Of course I was only allowed to touch them on very special occasions. My eyes traveled downward to her slender waist and long shapely legs, and from my position I could just see the tiniest peek of her panties. My clitty tried to stir at the sight but was kept small by the device.

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