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Blue collar Master, white collar slave

it. I moved to stand up, but stayed down as he shook his head slightly.

The rag was then moved to my crotch where he again spent far too much

energy wiping my genitals clean. When he removed his hand my cock was

twitching slightly.

"You can stand up now Doll," he said as he stood back. Blushing at the

fact that he actually called me "Doll" I stood up and pulled up my

pants. "I'm John," he said by way of introduction and I in turn replied:

"I'm Tom." He smiled at this and said with a smile: "I think I'll just

stick to "Doll"." A little mad about his condescending attitude I opened

my mouth and started: "And I think I'll call you. "John" is fine for

now," he finished, "or you can call me "Daddy"." I balked at this and

was just about to object when he again pulled me in and kissed me deep

and long. Again the kiss melted away my resistance and when he broke off

I was again panting, my trousers too small.

I definitely didn't want to call him "Daddy", but I did want him to fuck

me again. But how was I to express this without rebuking him and without

tacitly agreeing to call him just that? As I considered this he cut me

short by asking: "You don't have anything better to do tonight than

getting your brains screwed out, do you Doll?" I didn't, but I felt I

had to object to the way in which he called me "Doll." I opened my mouth

and said: "I don't, but I really don't like." here I was again cut

off, not by his words, but by his hand cupping my crotch. I started

involuntarily and drew an excited breath as my hysterically needy member

rose in need of attention. Feeling my excitement he smiled: "The Bates

Motel off route 666. Six thirty. I drive a red Dodge Ram and I'll be

parked right outside. Just knock." I had no idea where it was and six

thirty was more than a little early for me so I opened my mouth to

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