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Birthday Present Chapter 3

Now both of them were cherished lovers to both myself and to Victoria. Our world was turned upside down and nothing in it was the same. My security in our lives and sense of place was completely gone. In place of a masculine husband, I had a beautifully feminized man who was allowing me to turn him inside out. In place of a monogamous marriage, we now shared our lovemaking with two gorgeous women. My husband was becoming fascinated with women's garments and I was loving every minute of it, leading him along by his penis.

I thought back to what the sales girl had said to me about making my husband a panty slave and realized that I seemed to be doing just that, not intentionally, but effectually. I realized that I must spend some time thinking about what we were doing, and what the ramifications might be. I did not want to be the one to lead us into some kind of sexual slide into depravity. I loved the experiences we had already had but, from the reading I had done, I knew that these experiences could lead to depravity and sexual bondage, destroying our marriage and our lives, mentally and physically.

I thought about Vic's struggle with his masculinity this morning and was ashamed at what I had tricked him into doing. And yet, I was thrilled at how he had turned out and at the wonderful loving we had just experienced. I wanted to just enjoy everything that was happening but another part of me was warning me to be careful. I promised myself that I would slow down and not rush into anything that both of us would be sorry for later.

Vic stood to his feet and got his balance in the high heels. He caught a look at his image in the mirror above the sofa.

"Oh my," he said, in a breathy voice "My makeup is a mess."

Gail and Jenny looked at each other and started laughing.

"We can fix that, boss" Gail said, and both of them took Victoria's hand, Gail leading the way to the vanity in the dressing room where we had made Victoria up before.

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