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Backsliding: Tim's Story

Looking back now I can see that I was very smitten with Janine. She was very attractive with her long black hair and her thin body. She was about 5'4 with very nice size breasts. Hey, I may have been a Christian, but I still was a man. She also had a very cute face. A small little round nose and the best makeup on a girl I've ever seen. It was almost like she was studying to be a cosmetologist. Nevertheless I didn't want to admit that I was attracted to a girl that wasn't a Christian or at least a strong one. I plotted to spend more time with her to talk about God and do a little schoolwork on the side.

At the weekly Crusade on Campus meeting I mentioned Janine to a couple of friends and asked for prayer. I of course told them that I was merely witnessing and had no feelings for her whatsoever. Maybe I believed that at the time, but I know now that was a total lie. One of the girls named Maggie overheard me talk about my situation with Janine. Maggie was the kind of girl who didn't quite fit in with the rest of the group. She was a wild one who didn't always do things the way God wanted her too. In short, there were rumors going around the dorms that she was less than virtuous. Maggie proceeded to needle me about Janine and ask me if I liked her and all about her. She was almost encouraging me to go ask her out even after knowing that Janine and I were not equally yoked.

I went home that night to my dorm that night with Janine on my mind. I kept thinking of how pretty she was and how we could talk about anything with each other with such ease. I couldn't wait to be with her again.

The next time we got together was that Saturday at the local coffee shop. Andy was supposed to join us to talk about the project, but he had to cancel once again due to work. So it was just Janine and I once again. We got a lot of work done that day and decided to reward ourselves by taking in a matinee movie. As we both walked to the theater I complimented her on her outfit. She was wearing a really cute light blue tank top with a little midriff showing. Janine also had on some jean shorts that were definitely too short for the girls at CC.

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