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After Gym Class Chapter 3

I was looking for a way for Sara and me to escape the tub, but couldn't think how she could get out without exposing everything. I felt so bad for her, she must have been so embarrassed and now Brian was being a jerk and not letting her regain some dignity.

"Do you want to go?" I mouthed to Sara.

She shook her head and smiled. "It's OK, she whispered."

"So Sara, how come I haven't seen you around Candy before?" Brian asked.

"She's a friend from school..." I volunteered.

"We met up today after gym class," Sara said. I wondered where she was going with this. She seemed more relaxed now. Her hands and dropped to her sides, and both of her perky breasts were now exposed, the water line about even with her nipples. Her knees were drawn up toward her, just poking out of the water. I had to admit she looked amazing sitting there. My mind went back to what we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted, and I felt a smile cross my lips.

"Mmm these jets feel good," Brian moaned as he leaned back. "I'm glad you found out the rule of the Jacuzzi around here, Sara."

"Oh? What's the rule, Brian?" Sara asked.

"No swim suits allowed," Brian glanced over at Sara, smiling. His eyes focused on her breasts. He may have been trying to see even lower.

"Ha ha, yes, that's a good rule," Sara laughed. Maybe she was drunk. That would explain why she was being so friendly to him now.

Brian turned slightly to face her and put his hand on her knee. "I know. I'm glad you agree," he said. Sara didn't pull away. She just leaned back, looking at Brian out of the corner of her eyes, but not discouraging him at all.

There was an awkward pause, then he continued, "I've always wanted to meet a girl like you, Sara," he breathed. His hand slid down toward her thigh, disappearing under the water. Sara didn't flinch. "Why don't you go ahead and give Candy a kiss," he said. "I know I interrupted you girls."

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