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A viera ritual

“Let’s go” Fran says leading Penelo through the forest. They evade the various monsters roaming the forest until they come to a barrier. She raises her hand, draws a symbol in the air and the barrier flashes, and vanishes. They step through it and the barrier reappears “this is a safe zone, so we can relax” Fran says aw they approach a spring filled with crystal clear water, on a stump next tot he spring is a crystal goblet.

Fran picks up the goblet and runs a finger around the rim filling the area with a soft humming sound. “Wait there” Fran says looking at Penelo and stepping into the spring. She goes far enough to be waist deep and fills the goblet with water, she holds her hand over the goblet and mutters a few words and the water ripples like a stone was dropped into it. She raises it to her lips, takes a drink of it, and shivers as a tingle runs up her spine. She leaves the spring and goes to Penelo “have a drink” she says handing it to Penelo

“Okay” Penelo says raising the goblet to her lips, takes a drink of it, and shivers as a tingle runs up her spine.

“The ritual will start in a minute,” Fran says taking the goblet feeling the first signs of the water affecting her. She turns back to Penelo and watches her for a minute while Penelo stands at the edge of the spring watching color appear and disappear in the water like magic.

She hears Penelo gasp and turn around “what's happening to me” she asks as the front of her skirt lifts up as a cock hardens under it.

“That is what makes the ritual possible,” Fran, says walking over to Penelo and raising her chin until their lips meet in a kiss. For a moment, Penelo is caught off guard and then kisses her back.

They stand next tot he spring kissing until Penelo breaks the kiss having to take a breath and then looks up at Fran “what's next?” Penelo asks feeling her new cock throb a few times.

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