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A Perfect Life

and inject a little something to keep the vein open... and we wait a few seconds for that to work. Ah, that should do it. Now to attach the Vacutainer... and we have our first sample. One more and we are finished. Now a cotton swab, remove the needle from your arm and that should do it Mr. Solman. You may get dressed now and I will turn you back over to Amber."

"Thank you Theresa, that was the most comfortable blood sample anyone has ever taken from me," I hadn't felt a thing.

"Why thank you. We strive to make medicine as painless as possible here, but it is still nice to hear someone take notice," she smiled and proffered her hand, which I shook as I smiled right back at her.

Amber strode up to me and asked, "Well how did it go? Is he going to be able to become one of our FGR family?"

"I believe that he is well on his way Amber," Doctor Neumann told her with a queer sort of smile on her face.

"Perfect! Well come along Mr. Solman, we can continue your tour of the facility, so you can get a feel for the place," Amber offered.

"Just as long as you quit calling me Mr. Solman and call me Vern," I had been Mr. Solmaned to death by that point. It kept making me feel like my father was with us.

"Vern it is then. This way and we can show you some of the advanced marvels that FGR is about to move from R&D into production," she motioned with her arms, which way she wanted me to head.

"This is the biological sample repository, where we have genetic material from a vast number of women stored. We categorized and indexed all of the samples in our computer system. Down the hallway here is our growth media for the recombined genetic material," she walked to the end of the hall, and slipped to the left and down a stairway, "Down this way is a place I am certain you will be happy to see."

Amber opened the door and I could see a desk where a woman was working and lots of laboratory equipment of undetermined function lay scattered all about. On closer inspection, I recognized the lab-coated woman, "Kylynn! Hi honey, Amber has been showing me around."

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