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A New Girl

I was intrigued, so I followed my friend upstairs, through the security doors he somehow had a pass for. As we entered the single, enormous room up there I gasped in shock. Dominating the room was a mish-mash of wires and electronics, and in the centre, a column of metal like a tree trunk. Set into the middle of the column was what looked like an oval shaped pod.

"What the fuck is that?" I whispered. Jamie only grinned again. Behind me I heard another voice.

"It's a revolution in pharmaceuticals, young man! It can rewrite any section of DNA we want, and hurry the protein production along so the effects are nearly instantaneous for small changes." Behind me a small, sexy, dark haired woman in a white lab coat and silk shirt was smiling at me over her spectacles.

"Meet my uncle," Jamie laughed. Startled, I asked where.

"Me," smiled the woman sweetly. "Of course, I used to machine to make a slightly bigger change that simply clearing my acne. You can use it to change skin pigmentation, hair colour, even gender."

"This is a joke," I said. It had to be a joke.

"Trust me, it's not." The woman shook her head and smiled. "I was always unhappy as a man, so when I heard my brother's company was using RNA transcription for pharmaceutical reasons, I came to work for them and just... upgraded it slightly. I'm called Claire." She smiled. "At least, I am now."

"And you were fine with this?" I asked Jamie, my voice breaking. I was nearly hysterical, but one thought kept invading my panic; why not me?

Jamie shrugged. "Why not? She wasn't happy when she was my uncle, but she's happy as my aunt. I don't know if my dad was too pleased about it, but she's right; this is a revolution and I want to be part of it. Fuck, I used it myself. I was scrawny and spotty before I went in the pod!"

"So what does this have to do with me?" I asked. Despite myself, the more I thought about the possibilities that the machine could offer the more excited I was getting. In fact, I realised that when I thought about the opportunity that I could become a teenage girl and be dominated like in my fantasies, I was becoming turned on. I sat down on a nearby chair to cover my excitement.

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