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A Game within a Game Part 4

"Rob, I will bring you to your highest senses and thereafter release. Therefore I need the help of Helena. Tomorrow I will repeat that, again with the help of Helena. Haven't you guessed already? Beside a psychiatrist, I'm a dominatrix."

Rob grunted "I should listen to my own words, the moment you started about trust I should have run."

Cathy said: "Rob, please listen before you start to run," she gave him a wink, "let me tell you this. You connect S&M and all what is connected to it with the experience you had; to Jenny. In fact, S&M means for you betrayal, mistrust, sorrow, humiliation and pain. At least three parts of that list I want to scrap, and I want to add four: ecstasy, trust, pleasure and excitement. I want to scrap mistrust, betrayal and sorrow. Do you understand? And when we have done two sessions, maybe you can add trust to the positive things on S&M and from that point you don't need me anymore, then you have Helena and Marion. You are very lucky to have this wife and dear friend. I believe you have formed your own little family? Then there must be a lot of trust present already. Now you have to delete mistrust from your dictionary. Did I make everything a bit more transparent for you?" Cathy watched Rob's facial expression; she wasn't sure if he really understood what she meant.

With a lot of hesitation said Rob "I guess so."

"That is not good enough for me, Rob. I want your fully cooperation in this. Let me put it in other words. Do you agree with me that I have nothing to win to scare you from an S&M session and everything to gain when you have in fact enjoyed a session?"

She waited a few moments to Rob make realize the truth in her words. "So what is your answer Rob?"

"You will be easy on me? I'm not experienced."

"I know that, you have my word. But I do things different as Marion; still, there is that word trust again."

"How different?" Rob asked.

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